[Avail] SHIMANO Microcast Spool BTM1039MAG for Bantam 100 Mag Cast Series

[Avail] SHIMANO Microcast Spool BTM1039MAG for Bantam 100 Mag Cast Series

Our Selling Price: US$80.67 [Regular Price: US$115.23]

Not available


Microcast Spool BTM1039MAG (Depth : 3.9mm)


Spool: BTM1039MAG GMT
Handle: Pure handle CLR 75mm
Retainer: B-type GMT
Knob: Uddonobu Santos Rosewood
Knob cap: GM knob cap perforated GMT
Handle nut : M8 left LCR




Back view

Groove depth and design at 3.9mm, while also earning line capacity, we tried to so as to reduce the spool weight of the total.


・ Basic specifications

Spool parts: A7075 Duralumin (colored by anodized)
Shaft parts: Stainless Steel

Bantam Mag Cast 100SG, 100XSG, 10XSG
Also a magnet brake models compatible models

・ Weight

Microcast Spool BTM1039MAG : 13.5g
Genuine spool (Bantam Mag Cast 100SG): 23.7g

· Line capacity

14Lb φ0.310mm: 60m
Fai0.285Mm 12Lb: 70M
10Lb Fai0.260Mm: 80M
* We have measured wound up spool rim full by using a nylon line.