
  • STEP 1 Input
  • STEP 2 Confirm
  • STEP 3 Complete
Before Shopping...
* When you register the shipping address, please enter the "Full Name" and "City Name" without omission.
And please write all "in ENGLISH" except numbers.
This is required to make an air waybill of your package to ship out.

* If you don't know the ZIP/Postal Code, please enter 0000.

* При регистрации адреса доставки введите "Полное имя" и "Название города" без пропусков.
И, пожалуйста, пишите все "на АНГЛИЙСКОМ", кроме цифр.
Это необходимо для составления авианакладной вашей посылки для отправки.
Please enter the "Full Name" without omission.
And please write all "in ENGLISH" except numbers.
[required] (Street address)
(Apt./Bldg. No.)
[required] (City, State/Province)
Please enter the "City Name"without omission.
And please write all "in ENGLISH" except numbers.
8-20 characters